Becket formation, progressing to the right (CCW)

Challenging dance. Hook: box circulate; roll-away progression to the right

A1 (new) rings balance; pass through to short waves (robins catch right, left to partner)

short waves balance right & left; partner allemande right 3/4

A2 long waves balance right & back; box circulate (robins cross, larks loop right)

new long waves balance right & back; box circulate (larks cross, robins loop right)

B1 partner balance & swing

B2 circle left halfway; larks roll neighbors away across the set with a half sashay to trade places

same rings balance; larks roll partners to the right along the set, with NO half sashay, to face new neighbors

Notes: During the roll away progression, larks' instinct will be to half-sashay to the left to take their partner's place -- but they really do need to stand their ground (or even shift a bit to the right if the sets are spread out) in order to progress to the next neighbors. In the walkthrough, it may be helpful to have the dancers balance the ring and then open up into long lines and look at their next neighbors, for orientation purposes. Emphasize that it will be a roll to the right with no half sashay, and that they should keep those roll aways tight with springy arms to avoid collisions. It may also be helpful to instruct the larks to take a small step backwards during the roll away to make space, and then slide a smidge to the right to meet new neighbors.

Written July 2023. Inspired by Du Quoin Races by Orace Johnson, and first tested with dancers at Dreamland bar in Seattle.


Becket formation, double progression to the left

Moderately challenging dance. Hook: half hey to diagonal hey to ricochet hey

A1 long lines dance forward & back

larks allemande left once around

A2 partner right shoulder round 1 1/2

(straight across) robins pass left to start 1/2 hey (robins left, neighbors right, larks left, partner right shoulder round an extra quarter)

B1 on the right diagonal, new robins pass left to start 1/2 hey

straight across, new robins ricochet; larks ricochet

B2 partner right shoulder round & swing

Notes: At the end of the first half-hey, as you meet your partner you turn an extra quarter of a right shoulder round until the robins can start the right diagonal hey; larks follow.

The two ricochets are oriented as though in a left-in-the-middle hey.

Written January 2024. Inspired by a flight delay, which the gate attendant explained was due to a pigeon on the jetway. The phrase stuck in my head and I had to write a dance to go with it. Long lines establish the setting, and then the robins lead the larks in quite a chase! This can work well with dreamy, flowy jigs and eye contact heys if your dancers are up for it, or with blazing old time music you can get more of a "frantic chase" feel through the heys.